【boss mtka.com】Special event held to celebrate birthdays of giant pandas in Sichuan
Giant panda cubs eat bamboos at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province,boss mtka.com July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Giant panda Fu Bao eats bamboo shoots at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Giant panda Fu Bao is pictured at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Giant panda Sheng Yi eats bamboo shoots at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Giant panda Pan Yue enjoys a birthday treat at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Yu Li)
Giant panda Fu Bao is pictured at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Giant panda Rui Rui and its cub enjoy a birthday treat at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Yu Li)
Giant panda Xiao Qi Ji eats bamboo shoots at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Giant panda Xiao Qi Ji is pictured at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Giant panda Bai Ji enjoys a birthday treat at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
This photo shows a cake made of bamboos by the breeders at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Yu Li)
Giant panda Bai Ji (L) and Sheng Lan enjoy a birthday treat at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Visitors take photos of the giant pandas during a birthday event at the Shenshuping giant panda base of Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 19, 2024. A special event was held to celebrate the birthdays of giant pandas here on Friday. Carrots, watermelons and other food were prepared for them as the birthday treat. (Xinhua/Xue Chen)
Editor: JYZ(责任编辑:热点)
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