【previous year question papers bangalore university】Zimbabweans struggle with increased power outages due to inadequate supply
HARARE,previous year question papers bangalore university Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Prolonged power outages are forcing some Zimbabweans to work at night, when electricity supply is more reliable than during the day, as power producers struggle to meet peak demand.
Persistent droughts have led to dwindling water levels at Lake Kariba, home to Zimbabwe's major hydropower plant, the Kariba South Power Station. Moreover, aging equipment at the Hwange Thermal Power Station has exacerbated the shortages. As a result, many areas are experiencing up to 12 hours of power cuts daily, disrupting businesses and daily activities.
Denford Mutashu, president of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers, told Xinhua Thursday that retailers are struggling with increased costs due to the need for fuel-powered generators to compensate for the power shortages.
"Some have turned to alternative energy sources like fuel-powered generators and solar energy. However, most generators are not designed for continuous operation, and some shop equipment cannot rely on generator power," Mutashu said.
He said that some retailers have been forced to sell subpar products in the cold chain, such as beef, pork, poultry and dairy, which cannot be properly refrigerated due to power outages, in order to minimize losses.
Mutashu advised citizens and businesses to invest in alternative energy sources, particularly solar power.
Self-employed welder Leonard Mutesva said that he now works at night and sleeps during the day due to the lack of electricity throughout the day. "The situation is dire. We now work at night when power is available, up until early morning when it's turned off," he said.
This week, the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority announced long-term plans to enhance power supplies, including refurbishing old generators, installing additional units at the Hwange Thermal Power Station, and investing in solar energy.
Editor: Zhang Zhou(责任编辑:时尚)
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