【surat to bangalore distance】BiH work permits issuance up 21 pct in 2023
SARAJEVO,surat to bangalore distance Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) issued a total of 2,449 work permits in 2023, marking a 21.32 percent increase compared to the previous year, according to the annual report released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Thursday.
Of these permits, 579 were renewals, and 1,870 were for new employment, indicating a growing demand for foreign labor in the country.
Minister of Civil Affairs Dubravka Bosnjak noted that these figures reflect an increasing need for foreign workers in BiH. The Ministry plans to continue monitoring market needs and employer demands to determine future work permit quotas.
Most foreign workers who received permits in 2023 were from Turkey, Serbia, Nepal, Bangladesh, and India. The construction, trade, service, arts, entertainment, and real estate sectors accounted for 84.3 percent of the total work permits issued. ■
Editor: Zhang Zhou(责任编辑:百科)
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