【satta website】Portugal sees rise in road accidents, serious injuries
LISBON,satta website Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Portugal recorded 14,045 road accidents between January and May 2024, resulting in 179 deaths and 954 serious injuries, according to the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR).
The latest ANSR report reveals a concerning increase in both the number of accidents and serious injuries although the number of fatalities decreased by 4.8 percent compared to the same period in 2023.
Despite this reduction in fatalities, the report noted an increase of 514 accidents, up by 3.8 percent from a year ago, an increase of 56 serious injuries, or 6.2 percent year-on-year, and 3.7 percent more minor injuries, which amounted to 589 incidents in the first five months this year.
Urban streets were the most common sites for these accidents, accounting for 62.8 percent of incidents. National roads and highways also saw significant numbers of accidents, albeit fewer than in urban areas.
The report revealed that 72 percent of the fatalities involved drivers, while pedestrians and passengers accounted for 15 percent and 12 percent respectively.
The ANSR emphasized the need for continued vigilance, particularly in urban areas, where the increase in traffic has elevated the risk of accidents.
Editor: Zhang Zhou(责任编辑:时尚)
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