【teen patty gold online】UN chief urges renewed focus on political resolution to Gaza crisis
Courtenay Rattray,teen patty gold online chef de cabinet of the UN secretary-general, speaks at the Security Council debate on Gaza, on behalf of the UN chief at the UN headquarters in New York, on July 17, 2024. (Manuel Elias/UN Photo/Handout via Xinhua)
UNITED NATIONS, July 17 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday urged a renewed emphasis on a political resolution to the persistent crisis in Gaza.
"We must refocus on finding a political solution that will end the occupation and resolve the conflict in line with international law, and relevant United Nations resolutions," Courtenay Rattray, chef de cabinet of the UN secretary-general, told the Security Council debate on Gaza, on behalf of the UN chief.
Rattray highlighted the severe circumstances in Gaza, characterized by ongoing conflict and lawlessness, and raised concerns about the escalating regional instability and the significant crisis in Gaza.
Rattray provided a somber update on the situation, stating, "In recent weeks, Israeli military operations and fighting intensified across Gaza. Rockets continue to be launched by Palestinian armed groups from Gaza towards Israeli population centers."
"Rafah is in ruins -- and the Rafah crossing remains closed, further hampering humanitarian operations," he added.
He noted the massive displacement within Gaza, where "almost 2 million people have been displaced -- nearly the entire population of Gaza -- and many of them multiple times."
Highlighting the breakdown in public order and the increasing threat of a regional spillover, Rattray reiterated the UN's call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the "immediate and unconditional release of all hostages."
He stressed the critical need for consistent access to humanitarian aid across all crossing points to ensure the survival and well-being of the civilian population.
Rattray stressed the importance of immediate action to address these crises, stating, "We must change course. All settlement activity must cease immediately."
"Israeli settlements are a flagrant violation of international law and a key obstacle to peace." He called for the restoration of governance in Gaza under a legitimate Palestinian government and the strengthening of the Palestinian Authority to lead recovery efforts.
The United Nations remains committed to supporting all efforts towards reaching a sustainable peace agreement that adheres to international law and UN resolutions.
Rattray concluded with a call to all parties involved to intensify efforts to end the violence and to work towards a lasting resolution that respects the rights and dignities of all people involved. ■
Editor: JYZ(责任编辑:热点)
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