【play teen patti】Morocco, Senegal agree to boost transport cooperation
RABAT,play teen patti Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Moroccan Minister of Transport and Logistics Mohammed Abdeljalil and his Senegalese counterpart, Malick Ndiaye, held a meeting in Rabat on Thursday to promote transport cooperation between the two sides.
During their meeting, both ministers emphasized their mutual commitment to deepening cooperation, particularly in the railway sector.
Speaking to the press, Abdeljalil said the two countries had agreed to improve communication to achieve a higher level of collaboration, especially in railway development.
For his part, Ndiaye described his visit as an opportunity to observe and learn from Morocco's "qualitative" achievements in urban and intercity mobility, particularly in the railway sector.
Following the meeting, the Moroccan National Railways Office signed an agreement with Senegal's National Company for the Management of the Regional Express Train Heritage, which also inked an agreement with Morocco's Railway Training Institute, according to Morocco's official news agency MAP.
Editor: Zhang Zhou(责任编辑:百科)
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